Monday, September 26, 2011

De pen da bil ity

When I think of dependability, I think durable, up to the test of time, and something I can believe and trust in. This can be applied to a car, a job, or any relationship you have with another person like a friend, lawyer, or accountant. It isn't easy to be dependable or everyone would be. When someone depends on you that means that they are counting on you and they trust you enough with responsibilities.. It's a really good trait to have in anyone and it is also rare to find the people who are consistant in being dependable. I respect those who can earn my trust and can carry that on their life resume. It's definately nothing like being DEPENDENT. Someone who is dependent definately will struggle in life just because it's hard to go through life depending on other people to get you to places you want to be in life. All we can do in life is learn how to get there on our own and work hard to get what we want. Although some may be lucky to have life handed to them on a silver platter. With out the hard work I believe that it is easy to lose sight of how easy it is to lose what we do have and not appreciate how far we have gotten.

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