Tuesday, November 8, 2011

ism critic

Im trying to get into the fashion industry and criticism is crucial. If you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen. Not a lot of people can take honest criticism probably because they weren't raised with parents who were honest with them. Some people just don't want to hear it at all. I feel like we need it to make ourselves better and give room to improve. If we don't let others criticize us and if we don't listen to it then we won't be able to improve ourselves. whether it is bad or good we need to hear it and stay humble if we do hear good thoughts. The world does not like boastful people and it turns them off so we must stick to being ourselves. When i watch things like project runway, it makes me feel bad for those who are standing there being criticized by those fashion professionals who know what they are talking about but you just need to turn all those comments into something positive and do something about it. Growing up personally my parents have always been honest with me and tell me if I'm gaining weight or if i  shouldn't come out the house in the outfit that i am wearing.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

folks now a days...

you would think that everyone has common sense but for some reason not everyone does. Its all from experience and knowledge. Its like knowing that green is go and red is stop. But i beleive it could be from where you come from as well and what you are used to growing up with. I mean we know if something is steaming hot like coffee that is served to you to not drink it right away but some stupid idiot one day decided that they wanted to drink it while it was still hot. so now on all the drink cups like starbucks and mcdonalds, puts caution dont drink while hot. Wouldnt you think we would all know not to do such a thing? i clearly think it is stupidity and then someone decides to sue that company for their dumb idea. so i beleive it is about experience and how much you need to know in life that everyone else must know as well. Be sensible basically, use those four senses. Touch, hear, smell, and see what is going on in the world and make sure you know.