Monday, August 22, 2011

let me tell ya a lil summin summin bout me...

Im the youngest of 2. My older sister is 28 years old. I was born in the Philippines and moved to America when I was one. I don't speak tagalog what so ever but my parents do. My dad speaks tagalog to me but my mom talks to me in english. I'm not fond of reading books but I am trying to find something that I would enjoy. I do not like the color pink so I try and avoid wearing it as much as possible. Im curently 21 years old and live at home with my parents and 2 little cousins. I am responsible for my two little cousins because my parents offered to be their guardians since their dad lives in San Francisco since he works out there and their mother passed away when they were very young. One is 13 and the other is 9 years old. I make sure that theyre up and ready for school and I drop them off then I go to school and drive back to pick them up and make lunch for everyone to eat. Then I wait for my dad to get home so he can watch them then I go back to school. My only free time is on the weekends then I get to spend time with my boyfriend in Ontario and don't come back home till Monday morning when I have to take them back to school. I usually spend time with my cousins on the weekends as well and we always meet up and go out to eat together at least once or twice a week when everyone isn't busy. But my life is pretty good, nothing to complain about. My mom usually gives me money because she's never home so she kind of pays me to take care of my family, cook, and clean the house. I like how spring semester is going so far and all my teachers are pretty nice.

1 comment:

  1. you seem like a really cool and nice person, im looking forward to getting to know you this semester :) i dont like pink but ill wear it seldomly, i admire what you do for your family. it takes a strong person to do what you do, i would have a hard time with that cuz im lazy haha i like your positive outlook on life and think thats a great attribute in someone. my parents speak spanish but i dont my mom never taught me i wish she did, do you want to speak tagalog? i dont like to read books either, like i said before you seem like a great and fun person i hope we become friends
    - rachel winter
