Tuesday, October 11, 2011

attitude is everything

It's important to have a positive attitude in everything you do, although easier said than done. In interviews, the employer sees it and when even when you dance. Facial expression and emotion come together and make your attitude. You have to set up your mindset and go into something knowing that you can do it. Confidence is definately key as well so you have to incorporate that into your attitude. No one likes a stinky attitude ofcourse, unless they like drama and they want to be around that just to talk about you or be upset with life. Growing up my parents did not put up with attitude what so ever, so it was important to keep me in check and i thank them for that till this day because it makes a huge effect on how you are as  a person today.

1 comment:

  1. Posted by: Robert Alexander

    So true Attitude is every thing about you. It can result in you getting a job, keeping a job, relationship problems and many more things. Yes I agree we like people that don't give the drama and are positive.
