Monday, October 17, 2011

hu mil i ty

Omg first of all im mad that my laptop decides to mess up right after im trying to write my blog, so this is my second time writing this. Sooo... humility... everyone has been humiliated atleast once in their life. i remember the first time i was humiliated was by my best friend at the time. She decided to tell my crush that i really like him and i couldnt stop talking about him since the day i met him. i was highly upset and so embarassed that she decided to do that in front of me. But later on in life i realized that she was only trying to help me out. So i should probably go find her and thank her because 10 years later the guy found me on facebook and told me that he liked me too but the only problem was that he decided to tell me too late when he moved to texas. Oh well story of my life. Well i learned that as you get older you learn that some things arent worth being embarrased about and its not much of a big deal.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

kanye west made me think of attitude for some reason

not only does his attitude in this piece make an affect but people dont like his attitude as a person but it definately gets him to where he is today

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

attitude is everything

It's important to have a positive attitude in everything you do, although easier said than done. In interviews, the employer sees it and when even when you dance. Facial expression and emotion come together and make your attitude. You have to set up your mindset and go into something knowing that you can do it. Confidence is definately key as well so you have to incorporate that into your attitude. No one likes a stinky attitude ofcourse, unless they like drama and they want to be around that just to talk about you or be upset with life. Growing up my parents did not put up with attitude what so ever, so it was important to keep me in check and i thank them for that till this day because it makes a huge effect on how you are as  a person today.