Monday, September 26, 2011

De pen da bil ity

When I think of dependability, I think durable, up to the test of time, and something I can believe and trust in. This can be applied to a car, a job, or any relationship you have with another person like a friend, lawyer, or accountant. It isn't easy to be dependable or everyone would be. When someone depends on you that means that they are counting on you and they trust you enough with responsibilities.. It's a really good trait to have in anyone and it is also rare to find the people who are consistant in being dependable. I respect those who can earn my trust and can carry that on their life resume. It's definately nothing like being DEPENDENT. Someone who is dependent definately will struggle in life just because it's hard to go through life depending on other people to get you to places you want to be in life. All we can do in life is learn how to get there on our own and work hard to get what we want. Although some may be lucky to have life handed to them on a silver platter. With out the hard work I believe that it is easy to lose sight of how easy it is to lose what we do have and not appreciate how far we have gotten.

Monday, September 19, 2011

honesty is not always the best policy

I hate when people use the excuse of being "honest" for being rude. Some comments just need to be kept to themselves. Like this girl I know is soo proud of being "real" with people and totally tells this girl that she hates her new hairstyle. I just thought it was really rude of her to do over anything. I think it's only good if it is going to better something. Not out of straight opinion but genuinely can make them better as a person or make a relationship better between you and that person. I am definetely an honest person when some one asks me to be honest. I have had times when they ask for my opinion and they didnt like my response but that was just their fault for asking for the truth when they didnt really wanna hear it in the first place. The other day did let my friend know that I have offered to give him rides home and the few times that I have, I did not hear thank you not one time from him. I told him that I thought I should probably just let him know that if he didnt know but would that be wrong of me? I didnt say it to him in any rude way but I think things like that need to be told. It was definately bothering me so next someone offers him a ride then he will learn his manners. Sorry if his parents never taught him common curtesy.

Monday, September 12, 2011

whats the plan stan??

When I makes plans with people I usually make it a priority to come through with it because one of my pet peeves are flakes. I hate when people mess up my plans because theyre in considerate of others so they just worry about themselves and their own plans. Planning is usualy really important to me so I use a planner for everything. My life gets pretty hectic sometimes so I make sure I put whatever plans I have in my planner so that I dont forget about it and accidently plan something else on that day with some one else. I know all plans in life dont seem to go as well as you thought in your head but I also believe in faith and believe that God has a plan in life for me. I want to finish college by the time im 23 or 24 then get married by 25 atleast. I usually get scared to plan my future and discuss things with my bf but I know it needs to get done, but at the same time I dont want to plan things and jinks it. Some girls like to talk to their bfs about how many kids they'll have in the future together but I honestly think that that conversation can wait atleast untill i get engaged. I don't think men are much planners but I know its more common for women to do so.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

goals in life

I'm assuming were not speaking of the goal like in the game of soccer and you kick the ball into the net. To me, a goal in life is something you really want to accomplish in life and make sure you do whatever it takes to get there whether it may be hard or not. In a goal, there is also a deadline and it doesnt have to be an actual date but a maybe an age you want to do it by, a certain month, or even if you said a goal that you have when you graduate college. Whenever you set that time to be, you have to make sure it just gets done some time before you get too old to do it or forget about it. My goal in life to make sure I go to Europe when im done with my AA and go to this fashion school. I really want to get my bachellore's degree out in London and Paris so it could look good on my resume when i try and get a job as a stylist and maybe have my own company when i get older. I got blessed enough to have a mother that really supports what I want to do in life so she is giving me the opportunity to do what I want to do and pay for my school. I already did my research about the school and I definately have my mind set on going. I am sort of afraid to leave my family, friends, and boyfriend behind but it's just gonna be for 3 years and this is something that I really want to do and I cannot miss this opportunity.